Ahhh, summer. And some fun stuff.
It is so weird so much has happened and yet, nothing really has. You know what I mean? Do you feel that way too? I mean, I am so grateful...

What have you learned or gained during this past pandemic year?
In all seriousness, I really want to know. This was a question we asked in the Mission Video that was created for the All Hands Raised...

This is how I feel, sometimes
Sometimes I feel just like these red chairs. In a fog, all cattywhompas. Especially right now when we’ve been cooped up for months with...

How's your focus right now? And what are you focusing on?
Are you having a hard time focusing right now? If you’re nodding, there’s absolutely no shame in that. The COVID-19 situation is bad and...

I will make mistakes. And, I’m trying.
I’ve been trying to find my way to help fight injustice toward black, indigenous, people of color. I’m trying to figure out how to...

How are you?
I’m fine. That is such a knee-jerk response to that question. I pretty much absentmindedly give that answer to that question every time,...

Are You Becoming a Zoombie?
Please keep yourself from looking like me and my cousins. Zoom burnout is no joke. Take it from us. All kidding aside, I think so many of...

Virtual-ing Well
While I’m not able to host groups out here at the Peach Cheesecake Ranch right now, I, like some of you, am spending A LOT more time...

From Classic Denise —> Action with Intention
Soooo, I have found myself finding anything and everything to keep myself busy right now. I fill just about every single second of my...

It really did start with a little Field Notes book and a Vision Board.
I was on a plane in March of 2014 and it came to me. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to create. I pulled down the tray table...