8 Ways You Can Supercharge Your Next Meeting.
Tired of uninspired meetings around the same old conference table? It might be time get your team into a fresh environment so you can...

Recipes for Gathering | Baklava
Making baklava is one of my holiday traditions, what are some of yours? While in middle school I was in the 4H. As part of 4H, you...

First day of school jitters
Ok, it wasn’t my first day of school, but it was the first day of a new contract at a way cool digital agency that I hadn’t worked for...

Recipes for Gathering | Doodlebird Icebreaker
Do you remember when you were a kid and you would spend hours with your crayons just drawing whatever came to mind? Do you still draw a...

Recipes for Gathering | The Unofficial Start
You know at the beginning of a gathering or meeting when folks are just starting to arrive, there’s this sort of awkward moment when...
Working with, not against
I'm pulling a blog post out of my archive as a result of a conversation with one of my clients today. This particular client is a gifted...

Get some traction on your year-end goals.
It’s Fall Y’all. You know what that means? Just a little over three months to finish out your 2019 goals and projects. I have a tool I...

The Ranch on the Road
This weekend I had the chance to take the Peach Cheesecake Ranch on the road. I helped plan and cater the amazing Mary-Beth Frerichs'...

This is how I stay sharp.
One of the things I do to stay sharp as an event space owner is to continue to work as a contract event planner and project manager....

On being in alignment
My dream to build The Ranch was born out of my desire to serve people. To create an environment where folks could make sense of all the...