I'm on HGTV!
Be careful what you wish for… For the past year I have been shy to be the face of my business. As a project manager, my role is to clear...

Nature = Productivity
Did you know that just gazing at nature can boost productivity? I had a hunch that was the case. I know I feel more productive now that...

10 Tips for an Awesome Team Off-site
I created the Peach Cheesecake Ranch so there was a place people and teams could go to catalyze their best thinking and take action. As a...

It really did start with a little Field Notes book and a Vision Board.
I was on a plane in March of 2014 and it came to me. I knew what I wanted to do, what I wanted to create. I pulled down the tray table...
Having a bad day?
Sometimes you just have a bad day and you can't dig yourself out of it. Here are 10 ways brought to you by my friend Greg Bell, thought...

Dreams really do come true…I’m living proof.
My dream started almost exactly 10 years ago. I wanted to earn a living bringing people together, to bring them together so they could...

Let’s just say, SH*T WAS DONE!
It’s amazing when things go as planned. Or maybe even go better as planned. I had the most beautiful day last week with my partner in Get...

Your business idea is awesome and THREE take action steps to do right now.
It starts with a kernel of a thought. You start to daydream about it. You do some research on what else is out there, who else may be...

Future Salsa in the Making
We plant our seeds, we water them, we hope for some sunshine, we water them some more then one day a little green sprout muscles its way...

100 People Project | What do you need?
It’s simple, I’m going to ask 100 people “what do you need?” Then I’ll spend 15 minutes helping them meet that need for free, yep FREE....