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Your business idea is awesome and THREE take action steps to do right now.

It starts with a kernel of a thought. You start to daydream about it. You do some research on what else is out there, who else may be doing something similar to what you want to do. You feel called to serve your future customers by creating X, Y or Z. If you are daydreaming about it, then IT IS awesome. All you need to do is do something about it. Easy right? Ok, not really, but it really should be. Something that you feel so passionately could be if you had a few tricks up your sleeve.

Here are three ways to take immediate action toward making this idea a reality.

What is it about your business idea that makes it yours? What product or service do you want to create? How will this business and your product serve your future customers? I’ve created a really simple worksheet that gets you started on creating a little more substance behind that precious kernel of an idea you have. You can read a little more about how worksheet can help in this blog post. Or, if you are ready to jump right in and take action, download that worksheet here.

One of the most logical steps in building your business is to get clear about who you are serving, what makes them tick. You need to put yourself in their shoes. You need to understand their mindset so you can hone your product or service’s features and benefits to better fit their needs. By understanding what they need, you can better talk about how you can meet those needs. I’ve designed a really quick course to help you do just this. It’s an Empathy Map exercise that I’ve used with my clients and each one has gotten so much clarity that much of their marketing copy comes out of this tool. You can check out that course here. If you aren’t quite convinced, here’s a blog post that gives a few more reasons this is one of the most important steps you can take.

Ok, you have this killer idea. But, you just don’t have the time to devote to taking that next crucial step in developing this idea into a business. Sound familiar? Been there, done that. If you just had the time and space to get sh$t done… Together with the inspiring brain behind The Courage Vibe, Jody White and I have created a one-day retreat to facilitate a balanced combination of focused personal time, group feedback and brainstorming support. If you attend this retreat, you’ll leave with action items checked off your list. You can do one of two things now. Go ahead and go to the retreat site and sign up to attend. Or, if you still have a few questions about how this retreat is really going to help you take action. I’d love to answers those questions for you. Click here to book a 15 minute Q & A chat with me.

My calling is to help people move past the things that are holding them back. I want to help you get unstuck. What do you need? I got you.

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