Acting as if
I wrote this yesterday morning after being being inspired by a powerfully vulnerable email from my amazing friend and writer Sage Cohen. I started writing and it came right out. Then I quickly saved it and didn’t hit send. This morning I woke up thinking about her email and mine and I’m thinking Sunday isn’t the best day to send an email. But you know what, if I wait to send it again, I just might not send it at all. Here’s to hitting send and owning my work in progress.
It’s funny how our social media, email outreach creates an illusion of what is real for us. I guess it’s not funny, it’s curious. As I ponder this, it occurred to me that my social media and marketing is a way for me to project what I hope to be. I’m acting as if. As if my business here at The Ranch is exactly as I want it to be. Is it? Heck no. I’m not booking as many retreats as I’d like. I’m not “getting out there” to tell enough people about the place. And, there are so many things I’d still like to do with the space.
But, the experiences that are happening here are, 100% exactly as I want. People are leaving their status quo, driving through the woods, along the river and are showing up with fresh perspectives. The are arriving ready. Ready for new possibilities, new connections, new collaborations. They are eating nourishing food that is prepared lovingly just for them. Peach Cheesecake included.
They are enjoying what being in nature provides. Expansiveness, fresh air, a connection to Mother Earth. Did you know that just gazing at nature increases your productivity? (Read more about that here.)
I had a Vision Board workshop out here in January. It was amazing. 12 people gathered around tables and were dreaming about their futures. There were several times where I welled up with tears. Tears of gratitude, awe that I am truly living my dream. After lunch, one of the attendees said, “my, that was such a wonderfully nourishing meal.” My son’s girlfriend, Jenna, who was there to be my helper for the day, heard what was was said. I turned to her and the tears fell. She said, “that must have felt good” and gave me a lovely hug. It was perfection.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that even if you don’t have it all figured out. Even if the business isn’t bringing in the revenue you want or need, doesn’t mean your business isn’t exactly what it is supposed to be. It’s what is supposed to be right now. And the more you act as if, as if it is exactly as it’s supposed to be. The faster exactly what you want will be.

These are my ponderings as I again wake up in this dream place I’m creating, taking a minute to admire the view of misty clouds hugging the foothills across the river.
Today, I encourage you to act as if. Try on what it feels like to have everything your heart desires. And if you feel like it, share it with me.
peace + ease + grace, Denise