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From Classic Denise —> Action with Intention

Soooo, I have found myself finding anything and everything to keep myself busy right now. I fill just about every single second of my time with doing. I am a human do-ing, not necessarily a human be-ing. Is this much different in “normal” times for me? Actually…not really. I’m listening to Brené Brown’s podcast, Unlocking Us. One of the episodes is all about over- and under- functioners. Can you guess which one I am? This makes me think of the saying, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Man am I tough, cause this girl is always going. In my mind, this ability to keep going and doing is what has made me a great project manager and productivity coach. The keep running, keep checking things off the list is great for my clients and projects. Right!?! Perhaps. But what is it doing to me, for me? Is it keeping me from feeling all the feels? Is it perpetuating me sweeping things under the rug? What is it doing to the people close to me? Man, Brené…I can’t not stand back and start to ponder these questions. Thanks for that. I think. While we are finding ourselves with what seems like way more time (in this scary surreal moment in history), I’m going to try to be a human be-ing. For instance, this past weekend, I made a commitment to not do so much, or should I say, instigate doing so much. This past weekend I worked in my yard with my love, under his direction, doing what he instructed me to do. And when he didn’t have something for me to do, I sat. I sat on the deck, I sat in the yard, I sat and watched the pups lounge with me in the sun. And of course I still did some things. But they were done more leisurely and more intentionally. The intentionally, was the big one for me. I have a whole bunch of things I can do. But I’m going to work on spending some time putting some intention to the things I choose to do.

If you’re struggling with too much doing without a lot of intention behind it, I might just have the thing for you. This Friday, 4/17, I’m hosting my first virtual Take Action Retreat. My hope is to help Over- and Under- functioners make sense of all of the things swirling around in their heads, create a plan of action and sit down to actually get some work done. If this sounds interesting to you, head over here to learn more and join me in taking action with intention.



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